We are a market research

The Marketing Group has an international team with research experience around the world.

We are a full-service research company consisting of a robust multi-modal mobile surveying platform and a panel of respondents from around the world.

TMG’s experienced team assists clients in every step of a project, from methodology to audience targeting, survey design and results analysis, delivering actionable insights for each and every company.

Our team includes leaders, experts in offices around the world with full client service.


To provide complete, truthful, and updated information for the intelligent decision-making of all our clients, in favor of the common good.


To be an organization of the highest integrity, with excellent customer service, and to become the supplier of choice among all suppliers to each of our clients.

The Marketing Group

Since its inception in 1997

The Marketing Group has quickly become the leading research company for global, regional, and local brands, media agencies, research agencies, and international development agencies (NGOs) worldwide.

Real-time data for monitoring, evaluation and more effective and remote learning

Accurate and timely data collection is imperative for our clients to assess their effectiveness and communicate their actions in a timely manner; whether monitoring key indicators of an ongoing project or evaluating the impact of an intervention, The Marketing Group provides quick and cost-effective data that allows them to be more efficient in delivering results.

The Marketing Group's remote mobile survey methodology allows organizations to collect data in the field from target populations without the need for on-site surveyors. The Marketing Group's robust survey platform and large respondent database provide actionable data that measures project process, demonstrates target audience attitudes and perceptions, and allows organizations to more effectively track project research results.

Why Choose The Marketing Group?

We deliver action plans and insights according to business objectives.

Expert Team

The Marketing Group has an international team with research experience around the world


The Marketing Group provides design recommendations and regular updates on project status.


Leveraging technology at every stage of project implementation to streamline the process


The Marketing Group's dedicated team combined with our mobile-based methodology ensures rapid delivery of results.

Nuestras Áreas de Negocio

Consumo Masivo, Retail y Media




Pharma e Industria

Opinión Pública y Gobierno

Productos Volumétricos Sindicados

Associated Network

At international level


Millions of target audience profiles


Millions of interviews per year


Millions of mobile subscribers